Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Intro to food world of mine

Hi everyone hope things are going great and enjoying the new years. I am sure cooking a lot for your family members and special ones. Since I am new here today I am not going to give out a recipe, though eventually that is my plan to post my personal recipes that I use for everyday cooking. I want to keep things much simpler and easier for everyone to try and experience the great different flavors. I am not going to post recipes where you will go nuts finding them in the stores, cause I am sure you have seen all fancy restaurant style recipes not only hard to follow but, to cook.

I want all types of people of use this blog as their guide, think that you are learning to cook. Trust me the world of food is fantastic, as you explore it, it's mesmerizing.
Mostly my kind of cooking is Indian. I will still show some other recipes with India twists on it in my way, as I am also a proud Canadian and now living in US. So I do have a lot to give. Another main thing, all my recipes will be vegetarian though I will write tips at the end what to do If you want to use meant and even post some meat recipes which I know for fact tastes great.
So that's it for today see you guys soon...............

Next time with the Mystery Box of Spices, Post your views and thoughts if you know what spices I am talking about.

Happy New Years Everyone !

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